”It’s all about the white woman.” The politics of representation in digital visual heritage.
While the collection of social media photographs can contribute to more democratic forms of public archiving, it is important to pay attention to the politics of representation. Based on the #MeToo case study in the Collecting Social Photo project, this presentation discusses the opportunities and challenges that museums and archives face in developing more inclusive collections.

Paula Uimonen
Paula Uimonen
Paula Uimonen, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, is specialized in digital anthropology, and the anthropology of art, literature, visual culture and transnationalism. She is a member of the steering group of the ECREA Visual Cultures Section and was co-initiator of the Nordic Network on Digital Visuality (NNDV). Paula has been principal researcher in the Collecting Social Photo project, investigating how museums and archives can collect social media photographs as digital visual heritage. In another project, Paula is researching African women writers in world literature, based on ethnographic fieldwork in Nigeria and Tanzania. Recent publications include: #MeToo in Sweden (2019), African women writers and digital infrastructure (2019), and mobile photography in Tanzania (2016).